FRAMES | NO FRAMES Description | Parameters | Examples | Response
Feature - Feature Service
URL http://<featurelayer-url>/<featureId>
Supported Operations Add Attachment   Update Attachment   Delete Attachments
Parent Resource Feature Layer
Child Resources Attachment Infos, HTML Popup
Required Capability Query


The feature resource represents a single feature in a layer in a feature service.

The feature resource has 2 child resources:

Resource Hierarchy

Feature - Feature Service


Parameter Details
f Description: The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json

Example Usage

Example 1:

JSON Response Syntax

{ "feature" : <feature> }

JSON Response Example

  "feature" : 
    "attributes" : {
      "objectid" : 1, 
      "fdate" : 932428800000, 
      "resolution" : 3, 
      "gnis_id" : null, 
      "gnis_name" : null, 
      "lengthkm" : 0.024, 
      "reachcode" : "11070101001016", 
      "flowdir" : 1, 
      "wbareacomid" : null, 
      "ftype" : 558, 
      "fcode" : 55800, 
      "enabled" : 1
    "geometry" : 
      "paths" : 
          [-95.9899452281111, 38.1345878074741], 
          [-95.9898896947778, 38.1344644074744], 
          [-95.9899164947778, 38.1343866074744]